
  • Free Ads Budget Promotion

    Free Ads Budget Promotion

    From now till 31st May 2023, first 50 subscribers will get free ads budget for their first month!

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  • Scam Alert

    Scam Alert

    It has come to our attention that there are ongoing scams using our name. We would like to urge everyone to be vigilant of any ongoing scams.

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  • Hari Raya Promotion

    Hari Raya Promotion

    Enjoy Buy 1 Free 1 offer in conjunction with the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

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  • New Social Media Marketing Plan

    New Social Media Marketing Plan

    We will be introducing a new plan and pricing for our social media marketing service for all our clients effective 17th March 2023.

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  • Plan and Pricing Update

    Plan and Pricing Update

    We will be revising our plans and pricings effective 1st March 2023 to reflect the needs of our clients better.

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